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Severed Finger Reattached and Functional

May 4, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) In my dream was a huge boat, with the tip of the ship touching a cloud. My first thought was that I wanted to get on it. I then saw a ladder coming down from the sky, and I climbed up it.

I began practicing Falun Dafa shortly after that dream. It was April 1999, and since then, my illnesses have all disappeared. I also realized that Zhuan Falun is a celestial book, a ladder that came from heaven to provide salvation.

Amazing Cultivation Experiences

When I first started practicing Falun Dafa, I experienced amazing things that modern science could not explain. For example, Master opened my celestial vision and I saw flying golden dragons. It turns out that the dragons and phoenixes depicted in various paintings are real in another dimension, but human eyes can’t see them, just like they can’t see electric waves.

When my celestial eye was about to open, I saw flowers blossoming in front of my eyes, one layer at a time, and the colors were so vibrant. When I meditated and entered tranquility, my body lifted upward. I sat there cross-legged, without exerting any force, and my body rose into the air. All of these things happened exactly as it says in Zhuan Falun.

I developed hard qigong as well. One day when I tried to open a door, I broke the steel knob. When I turned a water faucet, it also broke off. My daughter was shocked, and told me not to touch anything. For a few days there were electric sparks on whatever I touched. I returned to normal when Master switched off those functions.

Humans are created by gods, and through cultivation, humans can become Buddhas, Taoists, and gods. The ascension in broad daylight story spread throughout ancient China is absolutely true!

Severed Finger Reattached and Functional

I lost my job as a punishment for giving birth to three children, which was prohibited at the time. I had to do hard labor to make ends meet.

One day, a few months after starting Falun Dafa practice, we were unloading coal from a train. The iron door of the train cart moved up and down, and it was usually necessary to use a rope to hoist the door when working.

There was less coal one day, so two people unloaded coal in teams. No one was willing to work with one man, who had poor eyesight. As a cultivator, I had to be considerate of others, so I took the initiative to team up with him.

While working, he used a big shovel to prop up the iron gate, and I used a shovel to unload the coal. He suddenly moved the shovel away without telling me. I was bending down to unload coal, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black object come smashing down. I quickly stepped out of the way, but the iron door cut the index finger on my right hand, the bone was broken with only skin attached. The male worker looked at me helplessly, not knowing what to do.

I was rushed to the hospital. The doctor said that my finger could not be reattached without a miracle. He was kind and very sympathetic to my situation. In the effort to comfort me, he sewed my finger back, and asked me to follow up in three days.

The old saying states that the finger connects to one’s heart, and even a tiny thorn under the nail bed can cause unbearable pain. But I did not feel any pain from the accident, none at all. I was calm and positive, without any fear or concern. I studied the Fa for three days.

When I saw the doctor on the fourth day, he was dumbfounded. “Your finger connected! It works!” Based on his many years of experience as a doctor, my finger was injured to such an extent that it would be impossible to save it, let alone have all the sensation return.

That worker was an honest man with a sick wife and a poor family. After my finger was cut off, he did not dare to meet me in person for fear that I would hold him responsible.

I didn’t complain about him, much less hold him responsible. He was very touched by the way I handled the accident. He said sincerely, “Sister, you are such a good person.”