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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Story from a 70-year-old Woman in Sweden Who has Practiced Falun Dafa for One Year

May 2, 2024 |   By a new practitioner in Sweden

(Minghui.org) All my life I have been searching for stability and inner peace. As an ordinary person, drinking wine and shopping to relieve my restlessness and insecurity was part of my daily routine. The wine had been there almost every night, providing companionship and relief. I have made attempts to reduce or abstain completely, however without success.

I have been practicing Falun Gong for about one year. I was introduced to the Fa by a friend and pretty soon I started practicing and bought the books to study on my own. I noticed early results, especially with regards to alcohol. The cravings disappeared completely and have not returned.

In addition to being free from alcohol addiction, over time I noticed how I have become less impulsive and chaotic in my thinking. I have become calmer and more structured over time, seeing my actions more clearly.

I’m redoing my home, letting go of a lot of stuff, and became more uniform in color and design. During the time I’ve been cleaning, I realize that I’ve also had a shopping problem, and addiction, actually. I’ve bought things that I impulsively liked without thinking about the benefits and joy they might bring in the long run. I have not at all had the patience to wait and consider things carefully. I see that clearly now.

As for my physical health, it has generally improved, my back is more flexible, I sleep better, I don’t get colds as I used to.

Since I am a person who is easily depressed, I am now so grateful to be uplifted. I feel better overall and am in a more stable mood.

Periodically, I look inside for how I still need to improve. I am self-critical and want to please everyone, but this is something I have to cultivate away over time. However, over time I can see how my doubts and concerns have become less.

I am a 70-year-old lady and of course I have a lot of hang-ups and blind spots, but I always study, practice, and reflect on my own behavior

I am so happy and grateful to have obtained Fa, to finally feel at home.

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)