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I Resumed Practicing Falun Dafa and Survived Incurable Bladder Cancer

Nov. 4, 2023 |   By Le Wen, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) In the fall of 2019, I was diagnosed with advanced bladder cancer. Six doctors met to discuss the possibility of surgery but concluded that I was not a good candidate. I went home and waited to die. Thanks to Falun Dafa and its teacher, Master Li, after months of practicing, all my symptoms disappeared, and I fully recovered.

This is my story.

I had practiced Falun Dafa many years ago, but because the Chinese communist regime persecuted us, I was jailed for three years in 2008. The guards and inmates abused and tortured me to force me to give up my beliefs.

I was not allowed to read the Dafa books or do the exercises in prison, so I didn’t resume the practice when I was released in the fall of 2011. I longed for an easy life after suffering three grueling years in prison. I gave up my faith and devoted my time to producing music.

Time passed, and, as I aged, I developed health problems. One day in the winter of 2018 when I was riding my bike home, both tires suddenly went flat. I was bouncing along against a cold wind. When I got home, my stomach hurt. Two or three days later, I saw blood in my urine and then blood clots.

By the following fall, I couldn’t urinate at all. From my toes to my waist, I was swollen. I thought I must be dying and called my son. He came home right away and took me to the hospital. I was diagnosed with advanced bladder cancer and had an ulcerated tumor 3.9 centimeters (1.5 inches) in diameter.

I was transferred from a small county hospital to a city hospital. Six doctors, including the chief surgeon and an anesthesiologist, met to discuss a treatment plan for me. They told me that my physical condition was such that I could lie flat for half an hour, but the procedure would take four hours, so surgery was not an option. Plus, if I was anesthetized for four hours, I might not wake up.

I visited several other doctors at different hospitals, but the diagnosis was always the same. My family felt helpless and hopeless. Deep in my heart, I hoped Master Li would save me because I used to be a Falun Dafa practitioner.

Hearing about my situation, practitioners who knew me came to help. They read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, to me; did the five exercises with me; and shared their experiences to encourage me.

Months later, the swelling in my body gradually subsided, and the blood in my urine disappeared. I had more energy. I knew Master had helped me and eliminated a huge amount of my karma.

My children didn’t believe me when I told them I was fully recovered. To verify it, I went to the hospital with my son for an exam. The doctor couldn’t believe his eyes and did an ultrasound exam twice. He told me that the tumor had shrunk from 3.9 cm to 1.4 cm (0.5 inch).

As I continued to practice, my face changed from a greenish-yellow hue to a normal skin tone. My health is improving by the day. My children witnessed the healing power of Falun Dafa.

I gave up my faith because of the persecution, but Master didn’t give up on me. When I turned to Master for help, he accepted me and offered me a second chance at life.